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NCCA Club Hero Finalists 2024

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Richard Sosanski - The Imp Club

Richard Sosanski - The Imp Club
Richard Sozanski has dedicated over 30 years of service to the Imp Club, primarily as Events Secretary, Public Relations Officer and Sunbeam Stiletto Registrar. Starting his journey into Imp ownership at the age of 17, with a series of 3 Imps of which 2 were brand new, Richard many years later joined The Imp Club when he and his son purchased a ’68 Stiletto in 1988. Very soon, Richard became deeply involved with the club, particularly supporting Events at the NEC    
Taking over as Events Secretary in 1992, and as PRO for many years, Richard has delivered exceptional and award-winning stands for the club for 32 years, including the twice yearly NEC shows, with fabulously themed displays, created by endless imagination, effort and ingenuity, rather than large budget. He actively encourages the younger generations to bring their Imps to the events and join in the journey of keeping the marque alive. He has been responsible for facilitating cars and content for magazine articles, books, TV shows and adverts, and has raised £1000 for charity with events and special guests at the NEC, such as BBC's Pudsey Bear and TVs Brum.    
It would be difficult to find another individual who has dedicated more time,  effort and soul to “Keeping the Imp Alive” a catchphrase that Richard created and featured on the membership handbooks, remaining in use ever since. Richard has forged incredible bonds with a wide spectrum of the Rootes engineers, drivers,  managers and IMP enthusiasts worldwide,  being pivotal in creating fabulous events such as IMP 40 & 50 where so many of the original Rootes teams were brought back together. He even persuaded the original designers, Tim Fry and Bob Saward to provide new artwork for Imp 40, celebrating their memories of the creation of a small car that still brings joy all these years later.     He has restored 3 Imps to show condition, and at last year’s March NEC show, brought the only surviving Semi-Automatic experimental Imp back to life, in time for the Imp 60 celebrations at Coventry Museum.  He also works closely with the Rootes Archive Centre to support the provision of information and memories for future generations and uses his Sunbeam Stiletto on special occasions. Richard retires from the Imp Club at this show weekend, and it would be fitting for him to be recognised as a club hero.    
View all NCCA Club Hero Finalists 2024

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