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NCCA Club Hero Finalists 2024

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Ron Kirby - Volvo Owners' Club

Ron Kirby - Volvo Owners' Club
For Club Hero there was only ever one contender – namely Ron Kirby. Ron has been a member for nearly 40 years, and has always been very modest and self-effacing, however no matter what is going on, Ron is there, and not just as a member enjoying the event, but as a quiet person just ‘getting on with it’ and ‘doing what needs to be done’. The nomination could with a very high degree of accuracy stop here with the statement that the ‘only thing Ron does not get involved with is any form of dancing – a Barn Dance? A Disco? and Ron is glued to his seat with such effectiveness that superglue looks ineffective in comparison!’  Ron’s official title is Financial Director, a time consuming role which he meticulously fills with absolute precision and accuracy – there is no doubt that his prudence through the last recession (although not always welcome!) has ensured the Club remains in excellent financial shape. However there is a lot more to Ron that just being a ‘bean counter’: Need Technical Advice – that would be Ron – he built his own car! National Rally – Need someone to manage the judging? That would be Ron!  Southern Rally – need a judge? – That would be Ron! Need AGM and AGM catering? – Ron will arrange it! Need a caravan on site at an event? Help with the event before the date? – that would be Ron! Running the local section? – that would be Ron! Booking and arranging Xmas meal? – that would be Ron! Unable to appoint a Register Keeper and need a stand in? – that would be Ron! When issues arise who is the person trying to resolve it? – that would be Ron! Liaising with the Club’s insurance broker? – That would be Ron!  The above is by no means exhaustive but gives an insight into Ron Kirby. The Volvo Owners Club is undoubtedly a better organisation thanks to Ron.
View all NCCA Club Hero Finalists 2024

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