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Footman James Barn Find

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The show is home to the UK's biggest Barn Find display with around 20 barn finds in various states of rust, all bidding for visitors votes to be crowned the winner. 

We welcome our Barn Find sponsor:

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The 2025 finalists, so far!

How do you define a 'barn find'?

To some, it has to be a vehicle covered in four decades worth of dust but to others, it is a car that has laid dormant for many years. The cars displayed are unearthed from garages, sheds, the bottom of peoples gardens hidden by years of weeds. Some have been rescued with the plan on restoring them back to their former glory, while others should be left to 'rust in peace.'

It's fascinating what you can find when you’re on a walk or even just sorting out your own garage – like a vehicle that’s been long forgotten!

About Footman James

Whether your classic is in concours condition after a nut & bolt restoration or in pieces in your garage, Footman James have an insurance policy to suit your requirements. If your classic is currently off the road, FJ’s Laid Up policy protects your vehicle against accidental or malicious damage, fire, theft and attempted theft when kept in a locked garage. It’s also covered during transit to and from competitions, exhibitions and restorers. Call us on the number at the top of this page or request a call back online for a quote.

Past Finalists & Winners

Practical Classics

Headline Sponsor

Lancaster Insurance

Official Show Partners

Classic Car Auctions

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Detailing Partner

Classic Car Weekly

In Association With

Classic Cars