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Exhibitors, Car Dealers & Autojumble

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Find everything you need as a car and restoration lover. Dive into the array of goodies that the autojumble has to offer, speak wheels with specialist exhibitors and source your first or latest classic car with the dealers or at auction. 

Autojumble and Trader Village

A haven of parts and spares filled with anything and everything you could possibly need, whether you're looking to purchase that one motoring part you can't find anywhere or just want to browse.

What you can find:

  • accessories
  • automobilia
  • literature
  • tools
  • clothing

If something on the list catches your eye, then the Autojumble area is the place to go. There is something for everyone and you'll be guaranteed to pick up a bargain amongst the 100s of stands making up this must visit feature of the show. 

Specialist Exhibitors

Our specialist exhibitors offer a wealth of products and services to assist you in your restoration and maintenance projects. With the show uniting traders from across the UK, you can enjoy a browse fit for any car lover or enthusiast. 


Looking to purchase your first classic car or add to your existing collection? The dealers at the show have car marques for sale to suit all needs and pockets.

Explore the vehicles on sale and speak to the experts on hand to help you find the classic car that suits your needs – be it as something special to enjoy a drive out at the weekend in or maybe something more sturdy to take on an endurance rally or tour. You may be interested in a project car that you can restore or want something that’s ready to hit the road straight away.

Practical Classics

Headline Sponsor

Lancaster Insurance

Official Show Partners

Classic Car Auctions

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Detailing Partner

Classic Car Weekly

In Association With

Classic Cars